Baton Rouge and Barbados Need all their Children. Invest in the Need


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Free Tutoring for New Orleans Displaced Students

Thousands of students in New Orleans have had their educational pursuits disrupted by the ravages of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Many have been relocated to the Baton Rouge parish and are being accomodated in the local public school system.

As good and concerned stewards, the Millennium Fund has embraced the opportunity to help our brothers and sisters get back on track with their studies.

Along with our established programs that offer assistance to disadvantaged children in Barbados, we have been successfully tutoring in East Baton Rouge public schools for more than five years.

Spotlight on Displaced New Orleans Students

We have called into action our student organization—the Millennium Volunteers of Louisiana State University (MVLSU)—and have already registered over 130 student volunteers who are ready, willing and able to tutor students in a variety of subjects.

This volunteer force will be dispersed among six schools which are all conveniently located within a few miles of Louisiana State University.

There is absolutely no charge for our time and services. It's all totally free!

Office Space

At the moment our most urgent need is to acquire modest office space and to offer nominal stipends to two administrative and coordinating staff.

Only weeks before the hurricanes, we were virtually assured pro bono office space by two local businesses. However, the exodus from New Orleans in the wake of the devastation changed all that.

Organizations and businesses who had any available space, understandably shared it with evacuees. As a result, office space is currently at a premium.

We therefore appeal to you for assistance in helping us to serve these very valued children.

Please give what you can and accept our gratitude for your generous support.

Click the white "Donate" button in the left column to send us your contribution via our secure server.

Or you can support us by check payable to The Millennium Fund and mailed to:

The Millennium Fund
Katrina Outreach
141 East Boyd #208
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Your donations may be tax deductible under the laws governing our nonprofit status (IRS Identification number 72-1333573).


Keith Sandiford
The Millennium Fund


[Read the full text of the President's appeal.]